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資料室  Library


<公開問学資料>                        <Open Study materials>

通信技術基礎講座                       C&CTechnicalBasisCourse.pdf


<数学的基礎>                           <Mathematical basis >

複素関数論の概要と応用      ComplexFunctionsSummary.pdf

行列、行列式とその応用     MatrixDeterminantBasicsAndApplications.pdf

フーリエ解析概論            EssentialFourierAnalysis.pdf          

波束変換 Wavelet Transform          WaveletTransform.pdf

情報理論の概要                           InformationTheoryRevisitCEShannon.pdf

現代情報通信技術の起源- C.E.Shannon  (2024-6-2)

         Origin of Information and Communication technology = C E Shannon.pdf

応用代数学入門            AbstractAlgebraAndApplications.pdf

四元数的ベクトル空間論(2020/4/10) A Quaternion-like Vector theory.pdf

四元数ベクトル論 (2020/12/12) Quarternion Vector theory.pdf

          (2021/6/4) A Quaternion Vector Theory.pdf

          (2021/7/4) From Natural numbers to Quarternion Vectors.htm

線形代数概論 (2023/9/23;V3) (2023/09/17 ; V2) (2021/03/26) Elements of Linear Algebra V3.pdf

ベクトル・スカラー環代数論 (2022/1/7) A Vector-Scalar Ring Algebra-d.pdf

                                        (2023/1/6) Vector-Scalar Ring theory.pdf

複素ベクトル・スカラー環代数論(2023/7/1) Complex Vector-Scalar Ring theory .pdf

                  (2023/7/24) A Complex Vector-Scalar Ring theory.pdf



運動体の力学、起電力について(2018/2/16) On the Electro Motive Force.pdf

Lorentz変換の導出 (2021/5/2) On Lorentz Transformation.htm

双子の逆説について(2021/05/02) On twin paradox.html

電磁気学の基礎再考(2022/3/12) Basis of Electromagnetism revisited.pdf

電磁気学の基礎再考(2022/07/17) A Basic Electromagnetism Revisited.pdf

              (2022/8/4) A Review of Basic Electromagnetism.pdf


<信号伝送技術>                           <Signal transmission technology>

アンテナ工学の基礎          Antenna Technology Basics.pdf

電波伝搬の基礎                            Essense of Radio Propagation.pdf

Digital変復調の基礎                       BasicDigitalMODEM.pdf

誤り訂正(1)  最尤度復号法の原理、畳み込み符号及びターボ符号の概要


誤り訂正(2) ブロック符号                BlockCodes.pdf   

符号化変調概論            TCM.pdf 

位相同期回路(PLL)入門              IntroductionToPLL.pdf

Generalized Transmultiplexer (TMUX)  GeneralizedTMUX.pdf

Adaptive Interference Cancellation    AdaptiveInterferenceCancellation.pdf

非線形増幅器のモデルと動作解析  AnAnalysisOfNonlinearAmp.pdf

チャープフィルタとその応用  ChirpZTransformAndItsApplications.pdf

位相同期技術 (2013/10/5 up) Synchronization Methods for Satellite Communication.pdf

干渉波相殺技術の信号空間解析(2016/9/21) Rev1AdaptiveInterferencesCancellation.pdf

干渉波相殺技術の理論と応用 (2017/1/26) Theory and Applications of Interferences Cancellation Tecnologies rev1.pdf

非線形増幅器歪の補償とモデル解析(2018/10/29) Compensation and Modelling of Nonlinear distortion.pdf

           (2018/11/4) Linearization and Complex Model Analysis of Nonlinear Amplifiers.pdf

                 (2019/7/13) A Feedback Linearizer based on a Complex Model of Nonlinear Amplifier.pdf

信号空間論 (2017/6/22) A Signal Space Theory of Interferences Cancellation System.pdf

熱雑音を含む信号空間論(2017/9/3) Expansion of Signal Space to Include External Noises.pdf

信号空間論と通信への応用(2018/4/8) Working Signal Space Theory and Applications to Communications.pdf


<通信網技術>                              <Network technology>

トラフィック理論の基礎                   Traffic theory and Network Design.pdf

LANの概要                Introduction to LAN.htm                         

インターネット入門           Introduction to the Internet.htm

二十一世紀に求められる通信網  Communication Network for 21 Century.htm


Performance Analysis of Signaling System of Mobile Radio Networks;


クロック完全同期TDMA直接衛星放送網 Clock Synchronous TDMA DSB Network.pdf

Synchronous TDMA DSB Network( 6,June,2007)  Synchronous TDMA Direct Satellite Broadcasting Network (English).pdf

GPS System Enhancement (8,June,2007)    GPS System Enhancement with GEO Mobile Satellites.pdf

BSP and ISP     ; BSP and ISP; An Integration of the Internet and Broadcasting.pdf

New ICO         New ICO; A Proposal for Integrated Cellular, Satellite Mobile Communication and Positioning System.pdf;


                    TMUX and FDM-CDMA for 4G Mobile Communication Systems.pdf

                    TMUX for Next Generation Mobile Communication Network.pdf

中国への提案 完全同期TDMA直接衛星放送 A Proposal for China Synch TDMA DSB.pdf 

インターネットと衛星通信統合網   The Combined Internet and Satellite Communications Networks.pdf

大規模災害における衛星通信    Revised Paper ; Satellite communications in Large Scale Disasters.pdf

衛星通信技術の概要        Basics of Satellite Communication.pdf

新たな航空機追跡システムの提案 (2-14-10-31) NewATSbyOsamu.pdf


<産業成長論>                            < Industrial Growth Theory>

経済成長の源         Sources of Economic Growth.htm

 繁栄と平和の源泉   The Source of Prosperity and Peace.htm

 食料危機を越る国民経済 Food Crisis and Wealth of the Nations.htm

  経済不況を生きる   Live through hard times.htm

 無株会社      Non-stock Companies.htm

 事業とは何か    Essential Industry.htm      

 麻生内閣の経済政策を問う On Economic Crisis and Politics.htm

 釜山旅行で学んだ事  What I learned from trip to Busan, Korea.htm

 社会保障こそ成長の基 Social Security is the Best Policy.htm

 生きる場を取り戻そう Revive Human Community.htm

交換経済成長の伝達関数モデル A Transfer Function Model for Growth of Exchange Economy.htm

消費税を含めた国民経済モデル A Model of National Economy Including Consumer Tax.pdf


大不況の原因と克服の道 The Causes and Solution of the Economic Crisis.htm

戦後世界の来し方行く末  A Review of the Industrial History Since WW2.htm

輸出に偏った経済の脆弱性 Fragile Economy Over-dependent on Export.htm

21世紀民主主義の条件 Solutions of 21C Problems through Democracy.htm

真の民主主義を目指して In Search of True Democracy.htm

    日本式経営を忘れた日本の経営者 Japanese Management forgotten by Japanese Management.htm

目指すべき21世紀世界 Principles of 21 Century World.htm

民の連携と成長の機構 A Scheme of Growth by NPO.htm

政治家と御用学者の学問的貧困 Academic Poverty of the Politicians and Servant Scholars.htm

交換経済の成長のしくみ Exchange Principles of Economic Growth.htm



