Human Network for Better 21 Century
The world is full of problems; poverty, disasters, ethnic conflicts and wars.
We believe the certain path for solving those problems is through development
of human networks for self and mutual help, lifetime learning and working,
and creation of new industries for us to study, work and live anywhere as we like.
The Internet and satellite broadcasting networks provide powerful means for
promotion of the human networks through which we can recover humanity,
freedom and independence and evolve the world into new historical stages..
Let's live and enjoy working together to realize a Better 21 century.
Osamu Ichiyoshi
For contact ;
For more ;
of the World
the war in Ukraine immediately!
(2022/3/2) Ghosts
from 20th, Ideals for 21st centuries-English.htm
(2022/3/12) Russian Empire based
on deception E.htm
Ukraine with more Air Defense Systems so they can hit Russian fighters, bombers
and missiles down until Russia exhausts her means.
supply of land-to-air, anti-tank missiles will help Ukraine win the war
unilaterally imposed on them by a crazy regime.
Ukraine with food & medicine and industrial means so they can live, fight
and push the invaders away.
and support the refugees so their beloved ones at home can work with peace in
Nullify Nuclear Weapons System (2017/09/07) Nullify Nuclear Weapons Missile Systems.htm
Anachronism of Nuclear Weapons and Politics (2017/9/27) Do not be deceived by polititical anachronism.html
A Space system to nullify threats of nuclear weapons (2018/08/14) A Space System to Nullify Threats of Nuclear Weapons.pdf
(2020/3/8) JCSAT F A Space System for Peace and Security.pdf
Natural Rights of Human Beings (2022/9/11) Natural Rights of Human Beings.htm
(2022/10/13) What are human Beings.pdf
For the lasting peace in Israel and Palestine.htm
Israeli-Palestine problem ; Disgrace left over from imerialism.htm (uploaded on 25, July, 2014)
Hamas Grew by Israeli Policy.htm (2023/10/23)
United Israel and Palestine.pdf (2023/10/31)
Israel, prove you are not Nazis.pdf (1/10/2023)
A Certain Path to Permanent Peace in Israel and Palestine.pdf (2023/11/25)
Democracy is the key, cases of Japan, Israel and Palestine (2023/12/17) Democracy basics, Cases of Japan, Israel and Palestine.htm
Is Israel a Democracy? (2024/1/2) Is Israel a Democracy.htm
Religion and Science, Vice of State Religion (2024/1/13) Religion and Science.htm
Evil Nature of State Religions (2024/1/30) Evil Nature of State Religions.pdf
Natural Religion for the Future (2024/02/23) Natural Religion.pdf
Christianity and Natural Religion (2024/3/10) Christianity and Natural religion.pdf
Israel and Nazism (2024/04/14) Israel and Nazism.htm
Israel, Prove You are not NAZI (2024/05/28) Israel, Prove You are not NAZI -2.htm
Judaism and Japanism (2024/7/14) Judaism and Japanism.pdf
Monotheism and Polytheism (2024/10/02) Monotheism and Polytheism.pdf
Sin and crime of hostage taking (2025/03/28) Sin and Crime of Hostage taking.htm
General papers:
Development of numbers and mathematics (2024/8/3) A Brief Review of Numbers and Mathematics.pdf
Information ages stupidity (2024/6/30) Information Age Stupidity.pdf
Primitive ways for the future (2024/7/20) Primitive Ways for the Future.pdf
A certain path for eternal peace of the world.htm
New Systems and Applications for DSB Networks.htm
The Social Benefits of S-TDMA DSB Networks.htm
A proposal for the new industrial century.pdf
Are Terrorists Not Human Beings (English).htm
Sources of values in human society(E).htm
A Model of National Economy Including Consumer Tax.pdf
Technical papers;
A Complex Vector-Scalar Ring theory (2023/07/24) A Complex Vector-Scalar Ring theory.pdf
[Signal Transmission]
Generalized Transmultiplexer (TMUX) => GeneralizedTMUX.pdf
Adaptive Interference Cancellation => AdaptiveInterferenceCancellation.pdf
Effect of Timing Errors in OFDM-OFDMA.pdf
Synchronization Methods (2013/10/5 uploaded) Synchronization Methods for Satellite Communication.pdf
Signal Space Analysis (2016/9/21) Rev1AdaptiveInterferencesCancellation.pdf
Interferences Cancellation Theory and Applications (2017/1/26) Theory and Applications of Interferences Cancellation Tecnologies rev1.pdf
A Signal Space Theory of Interferences Cancellation Systems(2017/6/22)A Signal Space Theory of Interferences Cancellation System.pdf
Inclusion of thermal noise into Signal Space (2017/9/3) Expansion of Signal Space to Include External Noises.pdf
Signal Space Theory and Applications to communication (2018/4/8) Working Signal Space Theory and Applications to Communications.pdf
Linearization of Nonlinear Systems (2019/07/13) A Feedback Linearizer based on a Complex Model of Nonlinear Amplifier.pdf
[Communication Networks]
TMUX and FDM-CDMA for 4G Mobile Communication Systems.pdf
[Satellite Communications]
A Proposal for Aircraft Tracking Satellite System for HP.pdf (uploaded 29, July, 2014)
NewATSbyOsamu.pdf (uploaded on 31, October, 2014)
Synchronous TDMA Direct Satellite Broadcasting Network (English).pdf
GPS System Enhancement with GEO Mobile Satellites.pdf
BSP and ISP; An Integration of the Internet and Broadcasting.pdf
A Proposal for China Synch TDMA DSB.pdf
Direct Satellite LAN and its Applications.pdf
DSB Internet and its Applications.pdf
The Combined Internet and Satellite Communications Networks.pdf
Revised Paper ; Satellite communications in Large Scale Disasters.pdf
Basics of Satellite Communication.pdf