Sin and Crime of Hostage-taking


                                                           Osamu Ichiyoshi

                                                       Friday, 28, March, 2025


When I heard Hamas attacked Israel, killing 1,200 people and taking hundreds of people hostage on

7, October, 2023, it reminded me of the US embassy hostage crisis in 1979-1981. A group of Iranian

students stormed into USA embassy in Teheran on 4, November, 1979 to take the workers hostage.

The Iranian Islamic revolutionary government did not punish the students. On the contrary, the

government supported them to prolong the crisis until January, 1981.


It seems to me hostage taking is deeply rooted in our society as discussed in the following.


Gaza crisis

Israel began bombardment and invasion of Gaza. The scale of the destruction and horrendous

casualty of civilians was far greater than that of the Hamas terrorism. Israel accused Hamas of

taking Gaza people as "human shield" but I say Israel took the people hostage restricting them

within Gaza. Most of the casualty could have been avoided if Israel were up to 21 century. They could

have set up safety or liberated zones where the safety and welfare of the people guaranteed.  For

more details, see;,%20prove%20you%20are%20not%20Nazis.pdf



Evil nature of state religion

The Hamas terrorism was the trigger but not the cause of the on-going horrendous genocide in Gaza.

The true cause is the Israeli violation of fundamental human rights of Palestinian people in

Palestine for generations. Immediately after erection of Israel in 1948, some 750 thousands of

Palestinians were expelled from their home land.

In 1967 Israel occupied the whole of Palestine. Israel did not take responsibility to protect the

fundamental human rights of Palestinian people. On the contrary they have kept the ethnic

cleansing of Palestine claiming the land was given to them by God!


Here the evil of state religion is clearly exemplified. For centuries the Old and New Testament was

about the only literature telling about the ancient ages, hence they were believed absolutely true.

But modern archaeology and decipher of ancient writing systems since 19th century have revealed

details about far greater history of the world. It is now clear that the Old Testament is nothing but

amalgamation of legends and stories widely spread in the Ancient Orient. It only gives the Jewish

version of the ancient history.


According to Judaism the Creator God chose the Jewish people!

This "Chosen by God" ideology naturally raises antagonism among other people wherever the Jewish

people migrate. The Judaism requires all Jewish men circumcised; unnecessary, unhealthy and cruel

requirement. I wonder if this Covenant is still practiced. Anyone who refuses circumcision, according

to Genesis, 17, cannot be in the family of the Jewish people. I think Judaism has thus taken Jewish

people hostage.


The Jewish people have suffered discrimination and persecution everywhere for thousands of years

because of Judaism, culminating in the holocaust during WW2 where 6 million Jewish people were

exterminated by German Nazism. Why could such horrendous genocide occur? My interpretation is

as follows. The state religion of Nazi Germany was supremacy of Aryan races, which is rather a

broad concept. On the other hand Judaism is purely restricted to the Jewish people. The Judaism is

 much purer than German Nazism as a state religion. That is why German Nazism so hated the

Jewish people as putting them to the horrible holocaust. It is the Jewish people who were the

greatest victim of Judaism.


State religions take the people hostage by proclaiming they have keys of the only gates for heaven.

Only through the state religions can people be saved, identified and unified with the society they

were born to. Anyone that tries to take other ways should be excluded. Remember a great many

people were persecuted; burnt to death with announcement as heresy, paganism or witchcraft.   


Joan of Arc

France was saved by Joan of Arc in the one hundred year war against England in 15th century. But

after France was liberated she was handed over to the Catholic Church who burnt her to death! The

King of France betrayed her because he was a hostage of the religion (or rather for his greed for

political power). The horrible Inquisition erroneously (or intentionally) accused and burned her to

death as a “witch”.

Why did the Catholic Church commit such a horrible and shameful act? Because she claimed she had

 heard and was guided by God’s voice. The claim is horrible to the Church and Kingdom because that

breaks the basis of their power; monopoly of the sacred and secular authorities, with which they keep

the people to their hostage.

For more details see


Taliban rule in Afghanistan

In Afghanistan today, the secular and sacred powers are monopolized by Taliban. By their special

interpretation of Islam, the government violates the fundamental human rights of women. Denying

higher education to women, they have hindered their own economic and social development. Taking

the nation hostage by their special religion, they have put themselves hostage of ignorance, poverty

and social injustice.   



Liberation from hostage states

The people have achieved liberation from the hostage states through the history by democracy and

science & technology. For more details see


In democracy and science & technology, all people are free and equal. A humble person can make

important discoveries or inventions. It is not essential whether you are rich or poor, healthy or sick,

gifted or ungifted, male or female or whichever nationalities. What matters are the achievements,

truths or efforts. The gates are widely open to everyone. Why not liberate yourself and help others?

