Religion and
Osamu Ichiyoshi
Friday, 12, January, 2024
Religion is a collection of beliefs shared by a group of people.
Science is a collection of knowledge shared by a group of people.
Historical development
Primitive ages
In primitive ages religion and science were not separated. It is certain Neanderthal people were
already human beings as they buried their dead decorated with wild flowers. They must have had
some concept of the other world where they came from by birth and return to by death. Thus they
had a religion. They also had another feature of human beings who care for the weak, old and dead.
In primitive ages human beings were free and equal. They had almost no private properties as what
they got from the nature was meager and quite unstable. They were also very diligent because they
had to produce all they needed; food, clothes, houses and all kinds of tools. As death rate was high,
orphans were raised by the whole community. This is inferred from Japanese language where
children call adults, even strangers by guncleh or gaunth.
The society was purely democratic as observed with American Indian societies in North America
around establishment of USA in the 18th century. The tribes leaders were elected equally by both
men and women of the tribes.
has completely changed the human society. The advent of agriculture and domestication of animals
created private property. Arguments over lands, water, sunshine and other natural resources
developed into wars among individuals, villages and clans. The winners ruled the losers thus the
society was separated into the ruling and the ruled classes. The process continued until formation of
power states where the kings ruled their subjects.
State Religion
Religion was then separated from science & technology to grow with the formation of the power
states. The ancient states were religious states where the sovereignties of the kings were
rationalized by the states religions. In Japan the primitive grass-roots shrines all over the country
were taken over, modified to be organized into the state religion of the dynasty.
Japanese indigenous religion is Polytheism. Eight hundred or so gods acted almost like human
beings to tell the history of Japan from the beginning of the world, through all processes to formation
of the dynasty until the age; 8th century when the book gKojikih was completed. Kojiki is also a great
work of literature that tells so much about the people, culture and society in ancient times of Japan.
Another example of Polytheism is Greek and Roman mythologies. They are so well known that I
donft need to comment any further.
Judaism and Islam are typical monotheism. The Judaism and Islam believe in Almighty God who
created and rule the whole world. They do not create icons or worship any idols which cannot express
the almighty god.
Development Methods
Of religion and science & technology are now compared;
Religion ; Do not doubt the authority, just believe the given teaching, that is the law
Science ; Doubt the authority, establish hypothesis, make experiment, only proven is the law
The state religion does not matter whether it is true or not as its objective is to make the people of
the state obey orders of the authority or rulers. On the other hand, Science & technology is
established only on true knowledge of facts and natural & social laws.
Universal Religion
Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Christianity are called universal or world religions.
The religions of the East; Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism have no gods in them. They are more
philosophy than religion. Truth is the essence of their teachings.
Christianity are confused with Judaism as the Old and New Testaments are filed in the same book; Bible,
but in facts they are totally different.
The New Testament very vividly depicts a man who created a new religion completely different from
Judaism. The Judaism is a state religion but Christianity is a teaching for individuals. Jesus has
taught; the Pharisees pray in public on busy streets, but a Christian should pray in secret at home
concealed with a closed curtain.
The Christianity was purest under persecution by Roman Empire, but once accepted by the empire
and establishment of Roman Church, they turned to a state religion. In fact the Christian church
hindered development of science and technology and freedom of thought in Europe for one thousand
years of Dark or Middle Ages until gradually opened by scientists as Copernicus and Galileo in
16-17th centuries,
Separation of Religion and Politics
I once saw the Israeli ambassador to UN showed off the Old Testament to claim the whole Palestine
for Israel. Such is the fallacy of the state religion and stupidity of its believer. The land between
Egypt and Lebanon & Syria had been called Palestine from ancient times. The Old Testament itself
depicts a tribe migrated from Sinai desert to ancient city of Ur. They were not accepted there, kept
migrating along the great rivers northward to southern Syria then turned southward to Palestine.
The tribe was later called Jews who established Judaism. The Jewish people are new comers today,
and were 3,000 years ago to Palestine. They are excluded wherever they go because of their g Chosen
by God h ideology. Since 1948, establishment of modern Israel, they in turn excluded the residents;
rightful owners of the land to create Palestinian refugee problem. And now in 21st century, Israeli
administration is killing, mutilating tens of thousands of Palestinian people in Gaza and West bank
and destroying their properties. Such is the fallacy of state religion which justifies horrendous state
Judaism and Islam are typical monotheism. They both believe in a single almighty god who is the
creator of the whole universe. In reality the Jews and Islamic people are enemies at constant wars
with deepest mutual hatred. Isnft it funny? Where is the simplest mathematical Logic?
The development of USA to the west in 18-19 centuries was achieved by terrible ethnic cleansing of
the indigenous people. The horrible crime was rationalized by Christianity replaced gloveh with
gdestinyh insisted to be given by God!
The militarism of the Great Empire of Japan was rationalized by the ancient state religion revived
more than one thousand years later and so deformed that the children were educated to believe the
emperor was a living god! The state religion was quite effective to promote the militarism. The
second world-war in Asia and Pacific Ocean ended up in killing tens of millions of people and
thorough destruction of Japan herself.
Because of the terrible vice of state religions, the separation of religion and politics is the basic
principle of modern states.
Democracy and science
Modern democracy is based on modern science and technology. The contractual theory of human
society established by J.J Rousseau, the independence of USA as the first modern democracy, French
revolution fought for freedom, equality and benevolence of human beings, the principle of majority
decision by Bentham and many other great thinkers have established democracy today.
The democracy today is firmly based on science and technology.
The wars between states occur by the greedy nature of the political powers rationalized by state
religions. I sincerely wish the horrible crime and tragedy of wars; state terrorism will be eliminated
by abolishment of state religions and enhancement of science and technology.