Hamas Grown by Israeli Policy


Again Gaza is turned to a Hell!


At former wars in 2009 and 2014, I wrote about the historical backgrounds of the conflicts and suggested

possible solutions of the problems;

 For the lasting peace in Israel and Palestine.htm

Israeli-Palestine problem ; Disgrace left over from imerialism.htm@@(uploaded on 24, July, 2014)


Jerusalem is Ours (2017/12/16) Jerusalem is ours.html

Learn from the Old and New Testament (2018/1/7) 

What to learn from the Old and New Testament.html


I believe contents of those writings are still right.


This time it is different; Hamas attacked, killed and kidnapped ordinary people, not only Israeli but also f

oreign citizens. What Hamas did is devilish acts, but Israelfs destruction of Gaza by bombardments from air,

land and sea is also a devilish act of much greater scales.


I believe Israeli people should know the historical origin of the Palestinian refugee problems.


Massacre at Deir Yassin village

On 6, April, 1948, Irgun, the Jewish military group attacked Deir Yassin village near Jerusalem. More than

 one hundred people were massacred. The news spread causing massive flight of the residents in the region.

Then the next month foundation of the Jewish state of Israel was announced. The state of Israel rejected return

of the indigenous people to their homes.  Thus more than one million people were excluded from their home lands.

That is the origin of the Palestinian refugee problem.

For more details please visit;



Hamas has revealed herself to be a terrorists group. But I think it was grown by the Israeli policy; Blockade.

Israel has enclosed Gaza on the land, sea and air turning it to be gprison without ceilingh for 16 years, which is

nothing less than acts of wars. The agony of being besieged is so great to drive people crazy and deprive them of

 any chances of industrial and social development. A balloon under excessive pressure explodes, even more

so do human beings.


Hamas seized the power in Gaza by election in 2006. I donft remember they were re-elected ever since.

The blockade strengthened grasp of their political and military power causing conflicts with Israel in 2009 and

2014 that brought loss of many lives and destruction of Gaza.


It should be Palestinians, not Israel that defeat Hamas, ideally by election.  With the blockade, how could

Gaza people oppose against Hamas who seizes the political and military powers?


Without the blockade, the opponents against Hamas could have fled to Israel or Egypt when necessary to

promote democratization movement of Gaza.

Without the blockade, the fishing and other industries could have grown to eliminate the radical ideology

and terrorists organizations.


Lift the blockade of Gaza and make efforts to cooperate with the Palestinian people. Free passage of people

between Gaza and Israel may bring some terrorists attacks, but it will be only of police matters rather than wars.

It is quite apparent the Peace in Israel is only possible through Cooperation with Palestinian people. I wish

this simple fact will be well understood by the people and statesmen and women like prime minister Rabin

will grow in Israel.


Best regards.

                        Monday, 23, 2023


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