Israel, Prove You are not NAZI (2)


                                 Osamu Ichiyoshi

                                                                  Tuesday, 28, June, 2024


The terrible bombardments and atrocities of Gaza for the past 7 months have made me think about

the basic causes of the conflicts.


I have found out striking similarities between Israel and Nazi Germany;


States religions       ; Extreme racism

Nazi Germany    ; Supremacy of Aryan race

Israel ; Judaism  ; The creator of the universe selected Jewish tribe!    

                          Palestine was given to Israel by God!


Persecution ;

Nazi Germany        ;   Confined Jewish people to ghettos

Israel                ;   Blockade of Gaza,  

Expansion of Jewish settlements jn West Bank.   


Uprising ;

Warsaw ghetto in 1945.             ;    Totally destroyed and the people sent to death camps

Hamas terrorism on 7, October, 2023 ;    Gaza turned to an extermination camp


Mass murders

German Nazi ;  Mass graves of Jewish people in occupied areas                    

Israel        ;  Mass graves found in Gaza; some were tied behind!


Suppression of Freedom of speech

    German Nazi ;  Total ban of free news media

    Israel        ;  Ban of Aljazeera satellite broadcasting in Israel

                    Limiting activities of Associated Press (AP)


Neglect of International law

     German Nazi ;  Deception and breach of treaties and international laws

     Israel        ;  Defiance of orders of ICJ to expand massacre in Rafa, Gaza.


Causes of the Holocaust

I used to wonder why German Nazi so hated the Jewish people as to exterminate them as a human

race.I may now understand it. German Nazis hated the Jewish people because Judaism is far more

Nazism than theirs. The creator of the universe selected such a small tribe of Jews!?


Unilateral support of USA for Israel

Israel has survived based on full supports of USA. I feel the unilateral support for Israel by USA is

based on the people's ignorance or misunderstanding of Christianity. The Old and New testaments

share the same Bible, but the two religions are totally different. Judaism is a tribal religion for Jews

but Christianity is a world religion for all human beings. Based on my study I think Christianity is

essentially a natural religion.


Observing from afar, it seems to me Israel has been revealing herself ; she looks more and more like

Russia with state control of news media, neglect of international laws, deception and oppression of

her own people based on very ethnocentric states religions.


Israel, Prove you are not Nazi!


Osamu Ichiyoshi

Human Network for Better 21 Century