Democracy , Cases of Japan, Israel and Palestine


                                                          Osamu Ichiyoshi

                                                        17, December, 2023  



Sources of modern Democracy


[1] Magna Carta Libertatum

In the 13th century English aristocrats established a contract with King John. It is now 800 years

since then, but Magna Carta still forms the basis of constitution of the United Kingdom.

The essence of Magna Carta;

No one shall be bound except through legal procedure.

In short, it announces rule by law, not by person.   


[2] Independence of USA

The United States of America is the first state without a king born in modern age. The head of the

state; president and legislators in Congress are elected by the people, which is the essence of

democracy. The process of USA independence tells the essential elements of democracy.


No representative, no taxation

England imposed new taxes on stamps and tea in the plantation. The representatives of the

plantation shouted gNo representative, no taxation.h An essence of democracy is government

representative of the people.


Forgotten founders

The first USA was the united 13 states. The structure of the state itself was a revolution. The

founding fathers of USA; Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were friends of the indigenous

people. It seems they learned from the gLeague of five nationsh among five native tribes in Eastern

North America. The five tribes had formed the league to arrange and solve problems among them   

by regular meetings of their representatives.

The social development stage of the native people in North America was before formation of power

states split to ruling and ruled classes. The leaders were elected by equal votes of men and women in

the tribes. I feel certain that formation of USA was much influenced by the native american system.

Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Declaration of Independence of USA respected the native people

to compliment them with the term; g Noble Savagesh.


Natural State of Human Beings

The above state of the North American native society provided J.J.Rousseau with a knowledge about

the human society before formation of the power states. He completed Contractual Theory of the

civilized society which gives the basics of modern democracy

(1)  Human beings are equal and free in nature.

(2)  To form the governments the people entrust parts of their rights to the political leaders.

(3)  The people have the right to replace the leaders if they fail to accomplish their duties.


The theory of social contracts established theoretical basis of society, democracy and revolutions.

The western nations gradually established democracy through a few political reforms and

revolutions in modern history.


George Washington

G. Washington was appointed to be the supreme commander of the army for independence war by the

Continental Congress. After overcoming many ordeals he succeeded in winning victory over English

kingdom. At achieving the independence of USA, he returned the position to the congress and he

himself returned home to be a farmer. He was then elected the first president of USA.


Abraham Lincoln

The slavery in USA was a fundamental problem to break out the civil war in 19th century. The final

and fiercest battleground was Gettysburg where he later made a historical speech describing simply

and clearly the essence of democracy; Government of the people, by the people and for the people.


Essence of Democracy

Based on the above history we can summarize elements of democracy as follows

(1)  All human beings are born equal and free.

(2)  The democracy is to protect the fundamental human rights including;

Freedom of speech, thought, religion, forming unions, activities for achieving truths and happiness

Equality in forming governments, protection by law, accepting social benefits and duties


Democracy as basis of social development

The modern science and technology developed together with democratization of political systems. It

is apparent as the search for truths is possible only with the freedom of thought and speech.


Cases of Japan, Israel and Palestine

Japan has almost 2,000 years of history, but only 76 years of democracy. So is Israel, and not yet for

Palestine. After the complete destruction in the second world war, Japan determined to set three

basic principles in our constitution; Sovereignty of the people, fundamental human rights and

renunciation of wars. The Japanese democracy is the fruits of our ancestorsf efforts for many years

especially on reflection of the huge destruction of lives and properties in Japan and Asia.

The Japanese democracy has been the basis of our technological and industrial development and

Peace for the past three quarters of a century.


Israel was established in 1948 based on division of Palestine plan endorsed by the United Nations.

In history the Jewish people were excluded by Roman Empire from their homeland in Palestine

about 2,000 years ago. They migrated to Europe where they were discriminated, limited in works

and often persecuted through ages culminating in the horrible holocaust where millions of Jewish

people were exterminated by Nazis during the second world war.

The Zionism movement for many years, however, had prepared the Jewish people to establish their

state in 1948. Through the history of Europe the Jewish people had acquired the principles of

democracy.  The remarkable development of Israel has been, I believe, brought by her democracy.


The Palestinians were not ready to establish their state in 1948.  Democracy is based on the long

history of mankind and is not acquired overnight. A great many Palestinians were excluded from

their homeland by Israel, creating Palestinian refugee problem.

Hamas gained power by election in 2006 in Gaza. However Hamas did not follow rules of democracy

and turned their power to dictatorship. Israeli blockade of Gaza made it impossible to democratize

Gaza. How could Gaza people fight Hamas enclosed within Gaza? Without blockade, Gaza people

could have campaigned against Hamas as they could flee to Israel or Egypt whenever necessary.  

Contrary to the objective to prevent terrorism, Israel has grown Hamas as to be able to conduct the

horrible terrorism on 7, October, 2023.

In order to eradicate Hamas Israel has conducted terrible war on and in Gaza. Tens of thousands of

children, women and men have been killed and social infra-structure destroyed. Contrary to its

objective to eradicate Hamas, Israel has sown a great many seeds that will grow to become new

Hamas members in the future.


This process must be terminated. Revenge brings more revenge. It is the Palestinian people that

should eliminate Hamas. Israel should lift blockade of Gaza. Let Gaza and the West Bank be open

and free so they can develop democracy and industry. Israel will be safe only through cooperation

with Palestine.


It is now time to realize the Palestinian state long overdue. Democracy is the key factor for the

Palestinian state. The international society must assist the Palestinian people establish a

democratic and peaceful state side by side with Israel. Israel can and must help the Palestinian state

for her own security and prosperity. Kindness brings kindness. Friend in need, friend indeed.

