差出人: Osamu Ichiyoshi [osamu-ichiyoshi@muf.biglobe.ne.jp]

送信日時: 20101226日曜日 0:02


件名: Study Group for 21C industries ; Sources of values in human society


Human beings are animals that do trading

This is what I described in my book Commendation for learning a few years ago. People have

traded since primitive ages but in fact they exchanged information since by far earlier ages. It had

been done by languages. The languages developed through the biological evolution of the brain

and tongues of human beings. It played an essential role for the evolution from ape to Homo



Principles of equivalent exchanges

Regardless of barter or monetary, trading is in principle exchanges of things of equivalent values. It is naturally formed as prices on the market.


Sources of the values are the mother-nature and human intelligence

Suppose an entrepreneur i produces a goods paying R(i) for the raw material, CL(i) for labor, CP(i) for machines. He sells the goods by adding profit P(i) to the cost of production and sells it at price S(i) on the market. Then we get the following equation;

   S(i) = R(i) + CL(i) + CP(i) + P(i)

In the economy of a nation a product is a raw material of the next stage;

      S(i) = R(i+1)

If we add up all equations in the national economy, we get the following;

   S = R + CL + CP + P = R + CP + W

Where, R is the total sales of raw material; farming, fishing or mining products.

W = P + CL is the total income of the people, S is Gross National Product (GNP) equivalent

to Gross National Consumption.

The above equations tell the sources of economic values are raw material R and producing means

CP. R is the gift of mother-nature and CP product of human intelligence.


Little progress by equivalent exchanges only

The above model describes the equilibrium state that will bring little progress. The economy is activities for equivalent reward; production just as much as sales, work as much as the salary, etc. 

The equilibrium state is zero-sum society where the same amount of winners and losers exist   that thus achieves no growth as a whole.


The locomotion of growth is spontaneous activity

The progress of the society is achieved by spontaneous activity of those promoted by internal desire regardless of the result or reward. Discoveries and inventions in science and technology, creation of new arts and thoughts, search of new social systems and movements were achieved by those promoted by internal impetus rather than external reward. When Michael Faraday discovered electric induction a lady asked him what it would be useful for. He replied, Dear lady, what use will be a new born baby?  The electric induction is the principle that enables generators and motors which are very basic of the mechanical civilization today. This episode clearly tells the essence of academic research.


Shortcoming of education under management of governments

Is probably the tendency that suppresses spontaneity of students and possibly of teachers. Many such founders of modern industries as J..Watt, G.Stevenson, T.A.Edison, A.Carnegie, in our country, Iwasaki Y. (Mitsubishi), Matsushita k.(Panasonic), Honda S. (Honda) had little school education, went into the world early and grew great by self-study.


The essence of spontaneity is love

Love is defined as action for no reward. Parents grow children and children take care of their old parents for nothing..


Love is the source of social progress

Exchange of equivalence is like the water flowing in the river. The river gets dry if the water is

exhausted at the source. The sources of the water flow are the fountains where the water comes

out of itself. What is the fountain to the river is self-promoted activities in the human society,

which is love by definition. The impetus of academic research is the love of truth, that of art is

love of beauty, that of social improvement is love for fellow creatures. As small streams meet to

form big rivers collaboration of such people will form a great power.


Let us act on our own

The blue bird of happiness written by M.Maeterlinck. was searched all over the world and finally  found at home. More deeply love exists in the heart of each of us. Then it will be essential we work on any problems of ourselves before asking others for help. Such people who do what they should do regardless of reward are like candles shining of themselves. If the shining people, however small, increase in number, then the human society will naturally become brighter.



* Osamu Ichiyoshi

* Human Network for Better 21 Century

* URL; http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~kaorin57/
