Report by Photographs,
STEP acceptance in Utsunomiya Y's Men's Club
Utsunomiya Y's Men's Club is accepting a STEP student, Katie Niklaus, from Wanrgarata Y's Men's Club, Australia. The period of STEP is from December 9th, 2002 to January 13th, 2003. She arrived to Tokyo International Airpot (Narita Airport) at 6:30 p.m. on December 9th. Mr. Hiroshi Sogo went to meet her at the Airport. The aircraft landed at 6:30 but it needs two hours to meet with Katie because many aircrafts was on the taxiing way due to lunway close by the snowing. Departure time of Narita Express train from Narita was at 20:40 and departure time of Super express train from Tokyo was at 22:12 then they arrived to Utsunomiya Station at 23:07. Mr. & Mrs Tokuoka took them up to Mr. & Mrs Sogo's home by their car.

Snowing scene at the backyard of Sogo's home on Dec. 10th morning.

Snowing scene at the small park neer the home on Dec. 10th morning.

English class of the Utsunomiya YMCA Kindergarten on Dec. 10th.

Wellcome dinner with some members of Utsunomiya Y's Men's Club at an Italian restaurant on Dec. 10th.

To assist a class of the YMCA Kindergarten on Dec. 11th.

With staffs of Utsunomiya East YMCA at afternoon on Dec. 11th.

With Mr. Junichiro Ueno at the entrance of YMCA Nursing home at afternoon on Dec. 11th.

To the Disney Land with Miss Atsuyo Ueno who is a daughter of Mr. Ueno on Dec. 12th.

To assist a class of the YMCA Kindergarten on Dec. 13th.

At the gymnasium of the Utsunomiya YMCA

At the approach to the Toshogu shrine and a five-roof pagoda at Nikko on Dec. 14th.

At the fornt of famouse Yomei-mon gate of the Toshogu shrine.

At the Futaarasan shrine.

With family of Sogo's home on Dec. 14th.

At the entrance of Meijino-yakata Restaurant at Nikko, evening on Dec. 15th to attend welcome dinner of the Utsunomiya Y's Men's Club.

Greeting speech of Mr. Toshiyuki Nanbu, President of the Utsunomiya Y's Men's Club.

A message by Miss. Katie Niklaus which was done by Japanese languge.

Banners exchange of Wangaratta and Utsunomiya Y's Men's Clubs.

At the Utsunomiya North High School. She went to the school to have an experiense of Japanese High school from Dec. 16th to 20th.

With her friends of the High school which was taken by "Prikura" machine. She very enjoyed the high school.
She moved to Mr. and Mrs. Sugaya's home from 21st.

She attended to the winter school of Utsunomiya YMCA as an assistant.

The orientation time of the winter school. She went to the Kirifuri Ski Run on 27th. 27th was most cold day, therefore it was very hard because she came from summer season.
She returned to Sogo's home

She tryed on a long-sleeved kimono on 30th of Dec. It was beautiful style.

At the home of Mrs. Hideko Nakazawa

With Mrs. Yoko Nambu.

With the family of Tokuoka.

We could look the Mt. Fuji from the hill where is very close from Sogo's home.

The dinner of the New Year's Eve was Sikiyaki.

Congratulatory breakfast on New Year's Day.

We went to the Tobu world Sqare. Many 1/250 miniture sets are in the Square.

At the St.peter's Basilica (Vatican).

At the miniture of Tokyo Station.

She went to Yasuzumi Shrine to look a new year sceen with Sogo's family on 2nd.

How about the taste of a cup of sweet beverage made from fermented rice ?

She went to play the bowling game with Sogo and Tokuoka family on 3rd.

Just after throw, how result ?

With Ai Tokuoka, Mika Sogo and Eiichi Tetsuka.

One of the score.

She visited to Goto Animals Hospital. President of the hospital is Mr. Yabe who is a member of Utsunomiya Y's.

With family of Mr. Yabe in the hospital.

She stayed in Amy Terao's home on 4th night. Dinner on 5th took sukiyaki with Amy, Terao and Sogo in the Amy & Terao san home.

Interest Photograph of Terao & Amy

She started to oyama's home to stay on 6th to 8th to make sight-seeing of Tokyo.

At the seat of Sinkansen.
Mr. Norihiko Oyama and Mrs. Hisae Oyama of the Tokyo Sunrise club cared for her from January 6th to the 8th. Oyama-san guided her to the inside of Tokyo.
The sentences of hereinafter is the e-mail from Oyama-san:
6th Jan
It ended the 1st day in the safety. Today, the niece of the wife and hers guided Katie without my participating. They guided to Asakusa, Harajyuku, Shibuya, Ikebukuro, Sun Shin Bilding and enjoyed a shopping. We enjoyed supper at a restaurant of Toru Nagatsu, a member of our club with Mr. Tosihiko Hara and Mr. Komobuchi. Because she triped to the places where many persons was there, she is tired and enters a room.
7th Jan.
Today, she is tired and they seem to have done a little city introspection light only intead of Disney Sea. (Probably, it thinks that it was tired with person's being crowded.) We took the Dinner in the restaurant of Mr. Chuma a member of club with Ms. Yoshiko Hara and Mr. Komobuchi.
Tomorrow, I shall go to Disney Sea with her and my wives. After the Dinner, we intend to guide her to the Shinaknsen. The e-mail are to here.
8th Jan.
She enjoyed Disney Sea with Mr. and Mrs. Oyama and bought a lot of souvenir and ate the Tompura Dinner, then arrived at 8 p.m. Utsunomiya Station by Shinkansen. After going home, she expands the souvenirs which bought in Tokyo with frolic. She is a high school 2 grader, an innocent generation, is same to Japanese students ?

She went to the Edo Mura on 10th of Jan. with Amy and Sogo. She saw a comedy theater, a ninjya theater, a water accomplishment, then the lunch was Ra men.

Japanese umbrella

She bought a Daruma doll in night booth on 11th night before the meeting.

Regular meeting of January was the farewell party for Katie. It moved up a regular meeting on the 3rd and it was implemented. Drinks at all.


Katie spoke the impression of the Japan staying as follows.
A report of STEP by Katie Niklaus
Coming to Japan has been a very challenging and very rewarding experience. I am very grateful of the many enjoyable experiences I have had, and the people I have met. I would like to thank the Utsunomiya Y's Men's club, especially Mr. and Mrs. Sogo, and the Sugaya Family for having me in their homes. Also the Tokyo Sunrise Y's Men's club, especially the Oyama family for having me in their home.

In my first week I visited Sakuranbo Kindergarten, and I really enjoyed working with the children.
I really enjoyed my day in Disneyland with Atsuyo san. I think the shrines in Nikko are very beautiful. The tea ceremony I attended was very interesting.

My second week was spent at Utsunomiya Kita Koukou high school. I took part in English, Japanese, maths, biology, health and history classes. This was one of the most memorable experiences because I was part of the International Exchange Club, and I met many new friends I will continue to keep in contact with.

One of the main differences in the food. I ate okunomiyaki, sukiyaki, and yakiniku, but my favourite food is ramen.

I have learnt so much about Japans culture and language in the past month, and I find it intriguing. After university I intend to visit Japan again, and see more of your beautiful country.

I loved my stay in Tokyo, I think it is a very beautiful city. I visited Asakusa, Shibuya, Sunshine biru, Harajyuku, Odaiba, and I rode the Yurikamome.

Staying in Japan has definitely broadened my language skills.
If you are ever in Australia, come to Wangaratta and stay in my home.
Once again thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to see you beautiful country.

A commemoration photograph in the regular meeting of January of Utsunomiya Y's Men's Club

In front of the community center after the student studying abroad and the alternating current in the city on the 12th

To take a picture in Utsunomiya City in the morning of the home-returning on the 13th, sight of the city from the window in JR Utsunomiya.

The lunch meeting of the farewell on the 13th.

On the 13th, We wave in farewell in front of the restaurant.
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