
Japanese natural whetstone

マルカ純眞正本山(中山)Maruka jyunsinsyouhonyama(nakayama)
奥殿okudo、大平ohhira 、鳴滝narutaki、菖蒲syohbu、五千両gosenryo、

How to interpret product

*I have displayed a sense of my hardness of natural whetstone. * Abrasive ,Display in the fineness of the total.
マルカ純眞正本山Maruka jyunsinsyouhonyama(nakayama)マルカ純眞正本山

Special products, Tomae layer Pear pattern
The name of the mountain that has been mined natural whetstone.
NO,T1 価格 硬さ☆☆☆☆ サイズ206x76x29mm Item Number Price(JPY) Polishing force
マルカ純眞正本山 戸前層 梨地模様 *①マルカ純眞正本山天然砥石
*⑥名倉 必要なし 
*⑦地金 今の所引く所なし
*⑨砥汁 直ぐに出ます
*⑩砥粒 細かいです 
*⑪研ぎ味 ナメラカな研ぎ味
マルカ純眞正本山←クリック  *価格はお問い合わせ下さい
*①marukajyunsinsyouhonyama(nakayama )
*②Special products, Tomae layer Pear pattern
*③Type 40   
*④There is a little crack.
*⑤Some layers are piled up.
  There are lines but no problem to use it.
*⑥No need to use Nagura  
*⑦No flaw.
*⑧Polishing force ★★★★
*⑪ Smooth
Certificate, paulownia box with  
Sold out
*Please contact us for price

Maruka Junsinsyouhonyama is a production center of the highest grade of the whetstone that Tokugawa shogunate government owned exclusively in the Edo era.
Only the vassals of the Tokugawas were admitted to polish their swords by this special whetstone.
This is the most famous type of the whetstones,so alot of imitations are going around.
And this whetstone is hard to be polished and it needs high skill to treat.
There might be some damage on it if the technique isn't enough.
But it will be finished in great cutting quality as you've never seen if it could be polished finely.
①The name of the mountain where the whetstone was mined.
②Type of whetstone layer
 戸前Tomae, 合せ砥Awasedo, 巣板Suita, 
 アサギAsagi, 八枚層Hachimai, 内曇り砥Uchikumorido,
③The size motation of Japanese traditional whetstone.
 30型Type30 , 40型Type40, 60型Type60, 
 80型Type80, コッパSmall End
④The state of the crack
 多少ヒビ有り There is a little crack.
 ヒビ有 There are some cracks.
 ヒビ無し There is no crack.
⑤About the numbers of the layer and the line.
 層別れあり Some layers are piled up.
 層別れ無 There is no layer.
 筋が有るがあたらない There are lines but no problem to use it.
 筋無し  No line
⑥The necessity of the Nagura whetstone.
 必要なし *No need to use Nagura
 必要あり There's the necessity to use Nagura
 人によっては必要 Depend on the person to use.
⑦The state of the flow after sharpening.
 引く所有り There's some flaw by sharpening.
 今の所引く所なし No flaw.
⑧The level of polishing five grade of stars.
  Much number of stars show higher level of the polishing.
⑨The water of the polishing.
 直ぐに出る Immediately.
 少し時間がかかる Take some time,
 時間がかかる Take time a lot,
⑩The grain of the whetstone.
 粗いRough. やや粗いRough a little.
 細かいFine,  繊細Delicate,
⑪The sense of the whetstone when it was polished.
 ナメラカな研ぎ味 Sticky.  滑る感じ Slippery.
 少し硬さを感じるHard, スムーズな研ぎ味 Smooth,
 サラサラした研ぎ感 Light,
⑫在庫有り In Stock
 売り切れました Sold out

This home page is used Japanese basically.
This page is an example so please see the next by using it as reference,
We hope that you can find the products that you have been looking for.
and, that the product will be your treasure ...
Entrance to the treasure is here.

 Awase  Suita  Small End Uchikumori 
天然砥石(合砥) 天然砥石(巣板) 天然砥石(コッパ) 大平内曇砥石



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