Yamatsuri Fireball

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A fireball appeared north of Kanto district at 27 Oct. 2005, 17h05m27s UT(=28 Oct. 02h05m27s LT).
SonotaCo(Tokyo pref.) and Puru(Niigata pref.) observed this fireball by automatic TV cameras.
M.Ueda calculated the trajectory and the orbit.
Detailed data was published in "SonotaCo Network" articles.(in Japanese)

The initial velocity was 23 km. The maximum brightness was -8 magnitudes.
These data can't be expected to survive the meteorite throughout the atmosphere generally.
But the luminous end height was 23 km which was a low altitude surprisingly.
The reason was thought that meteoroids were hard therefore ablation and fragmentation reduced exceptionally.
Fireball's TV image was shown with few fragmentation with no tail.
These characteristics may be indicated to associate stony-iron meteorite.
Terminal mass estimation was 100 grams or less.

Predicted impact area
Yamatsuri town, Fukushima prefecture

The red ellipse is the predicted impact area.
(Added on corrected Zenrin electric map.)

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