Tadami Fireball

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At 27 Dec. 2000, 09h41m UT (18h41m LT), a fireball flighted from east of Niigata prefecture to Tadami town Fukushima prefecture.
Two sites of Japan fireball network station, C.Shimoda(Asahi village, Nagano) and K.Sato(Sendai city)
photographed, and S.Yamanoi(Nikko city, Tochigi) was photographed by chance.
The trajectory and orbit were calculated by K.Ohtsuka. This data suggested that
a meteorite fell on skiing slopes vicinity of Kaneyama town.
The predicted mass will be 1 kg or more.
A smooth light curve and reddish fireball color suggested the meteorite as ordinary chondrite.

Predicted impact area

Red ellipse is predicted impact area.
The fragments may impact the yellow ellipse area.

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