Suzuka Fireball

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A -6 luminous magnitude fireball flighted from Nara prefecture to Suzuka pass, east of Shiga prefecture
at 30 Mar. 2010, 14h41m17s UT (23h41m17s LT).
Five sites of SonotaCo Network TV observation stations(Shiba, Mr.Ueda, Sanbonmatsu Highschool, Mr.SonotaCo, Mr.ada)
took fireball images automatically. Trajectory and orbit were calculated by M.Ueda.
Mr. Ueda calculated the fireball orbit belonging to the ordinary near-Earth asteroids.
Fragmentation exists near the end of the fireball and is broken into 5-6 fragments.
Comparison of deceleration by observation and calculation suggested low mass loss through the atmosphere.
I predicted the meteorite impact which is an ordinary chondrite mass of 50g(+- 10 times) at Suzuka-toge pass.
The predicted impact area includes the golf course, therefore it will hope to be found.

Predicted impact area

Red ellipse is the predicted impact area.


Reference SonotaCo Network
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