Mino Fireball

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At Feb.25,2021,09h56m06s UT(=Feb.25, 18h56m06s LT), A bright fireball appeared over Osaka bay to north.
Yasunori Fujiwara observed this fireball from two sites Osaka and Nara.
M.Ueda calculated the trajectory and orbit.
Each image's fireball was through clouds and therefore hard to measure.
Detail data was published in "SonotaCo Network" articles.(in Japanese)
The initial geocentric velocity was 14.7km and the end velocity is about 4.5km/s at 26.1km altitudes.
The luminous curve was strange that it suddenly burst at the half of trail and after a smooth light curve was indicated.

The calculation of meteorite prediction was hard to evaluate the error because only two TV images could use.
The observed velocity varying can explain that most initial masses survived and landing.
So, I tried to calculate two materials of meteorite stone and iron.
The estimated impact area was the town and hill of Mino city or Ikeda city, Osaka prefecture.
The estimated meteorite mass about 150g for stone meteorite and about 30g for iron.

Predicted impact area
Ikeda city and Mino city, Osaka prefecture

Red ellipse is predicted impact area.
(Added on "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" map.)

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