Kumano Fireball

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At Dec.10, 2021, 10h07m48s UT(=Dec.10, 19h07m48s LT), A spectacle fireball appeared over Kumano-sea of the north Pacific.
SonotaCo(Tokyo pref.), Koji Ito(Tokyo pref.), Toshihiro Masuzawa(Nagano pref.), Masayoshi Ueda(Osaka pref.) observed
this fireball by automatic TV meteor camera. Mr. Atsuhiro Noda photographed this fireball from a close site.
M.Ueda calculated the trajectory and orbit by there observations.
Detail data was published in "SonotaCo Network" articles.(in Japanese)
The initial geocentric velocity was 18.9km and the end velocity was about 2km/s at 21.2km altitudes.
This fireball accurately produced enough size meteorite,
because of its low-end height with slow velocity and low elevation path angle of 19 degrees,

The estimated impact area was Atashika direction, Kumano city, Mie prefecture.
That area is the mountain close to the sea so meteorite recovery effort will make it difficult to success.
The estimated meteorite mass is about 0.6 -2.5 kg.
Then, small meteorite fragments will fall on the sea but not land.

Predicted impact area
North of Kumano city, Mie prefecture

Red spots are calculated impact points for each initial value.
(Added on "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" map.)

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