Kisarazu Fireball

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At Oct.4, 2021, 11h19m51s UT(=Oct. 4, 20h19m51s LT), A bright fireball appeared over Tokyo Bay to the east.
Mr.KAGAYA, Ken'ichi Shutou(Chiba pref.), Takashi Sekiguchi(Saitama pref.), Chikara Shimoda(Nagano pref.) and SonotaCo(Tokyo pref.)
observed this fireball by automatic TV meteor camera. M.Ueda calculated the trajectory and orbit.
Mr. Sekiguchi also recorded the fireball spectrum that indicates iron-rich features.
Detail data was published in "SonotaCo Network" articles.(in Japanese)
The initial geocentric velocity was 15.9km and the end velocity was about 4.5km/s at 28.0km altitudes.
Meteoroid mass loss in the atmosphere was more raging because the initial trajectory elevation angle was high at 66 degrees.

The calculation of meteorite prediction results was different to use high altitude wind data at the Hachijo-island and Tateno, Ibaraki prefecture.
The observation error made impact point error trend north-south direction.
So, I tried to calculate two materials of meteorite stone and iron.
The estimated impact area was the hill of east Kisarazu city, Chiba prefecture.
The estimated meteorite mass about 10-100g.

Predicted impact area
East of Kisarazu city, Chiba prefecture

Red spots are calculated impact points for each initial value.
(Added on "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" map.)

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