Katsushika Fireball

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A bright fireball flight from Suruga bay to northeast metropolitan sky at 28 Jun. 2022 17h48m50s(UT).
This fireball observed by many SonotaCo network observers, Mr.D.Fujii, Mr.gotokabu, Mr.yasu(Kanagawa pref.), Mr.m-tomita(Ishikawa pref.),
Mr.Shimoda, Mr.ikt1959(Nagano pref.), Mr.ts007(Saitama pref.), Mr.SonotaCo, Dr.INOUE(Tokyo pref.), Dr.Y.Fujiwara(Nara pref.).
Luminous trail indicates some burst and break to 4 or more fragments in after half of trail.
This fireball flight over high population district, so many witnesses and recorded images are contributed.
Mr. ts007 had taken a specter image that indicates the ferrite-rich material meteoroid.
Geocentric velocity was 22.6 km/s which is so fast velocity for the meteorite fell fireball however luminous trail survived to 27.7km altitude.
A 50 grams meteorite accompanied with some small meteorites were predicted to fall to rerate with this fireball.
Predicted meteorite mass was small, because high initial velocity facilitate fragmentation and ablation even low end hight.
The predicted impact area is Katsushika ward, Tokyo prefecture for the maximum fragment with the southwest area to Chiyoda ward for small pieces.
We expect find meteorites on high popuration area.

Predicted impact area
Small red circles are calculated impact points by individual some other initial value. The left lower side is small fragments.


@ SonotaCo Network observation results