Ichikai Fireball

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At 13, Feb. 2013, 16h04m35s(UT), an explosion fireball flight over the north of Gumma prefecture to the North-northeast direction.
Mr.T.Sekiguchi(Saitama Pref.), Mr. masuzawa(Nagano Pref.) and Mr.SonotaCo(Tokyo) took the fireball by automatic TV cameras.
Ms.S.Nomoto(Saitama pref.) also took by digital camera image.
Mr. M.Ueda calculated its orbit.

The very slow moving fireball fragmented into five pieces at end of the trajectory.
The end height was low 32.2km. Physical calculation was not easy because fireball exploded at half way of path.
The explosive burst is an expression of fragmentation then the deceleration effect rapidly increased.
Thus terminal mass is not easy to calculation.
However, 30g or less meteorite might fall on Ichikai town, Tochigi pref.

Predicted Meteorite Fell Area
Around Ichikai town, Tochigi pref.
The red ellipse is the predicted impact area.

(Retouched mapion's map)


SonotaCo Netwok

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