Azumino Fireball

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A slow-moving fireball flighted from the west sea of southern Ishikawa prefecture to northern Gifu prefecture at 5, Sep. 2014 10h12m38s(UT).
This fireball was captured by SonotaCo Network observers Mr. Muroishi, Mr. Yoneguchi in Ishikawa prefecture, and Mr. mars in Okayama prefecture.
The luminous trail by Mr. Muroishi's camera recorded smooth light curve towards maximum magnitude on after half of trajectory.
This typical meteoritic fireball's initial velocity was 17.8km/s and its end height was 32.9km from sea level.
The predicted fallen area is the ridge between Mt.Tsubame-dake and Mt.Daitenjo-dake
on the border between the northwest of Azumino city and Omachi city Nagano prefecture.
The predicted meteorite mass is 100 grams at maximum of 50 grams probably.

Predicted fallen area
Ellipse is predicted meteorite fallen area


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