
1930年  東京に生まれる
1952年  慶應義塾大学経済学部卒業
2000年  社団法人 日本馬術連盟より功労賞受賞
前 社団法人 日本馬術連盟理事
前 社団法人 日本近代五種・バイアスロン連合常務理事
前 関東高等学校馬術連盟会長
現 全日本馬場馬術選手会会長

Career Summary

1930 Born in Tokyo.
1952 Graduated from Keio University.
2000 Awarded a distinguished service medal from

the Japan Riding Federation.
●Former Director of the Japan Equestrian Federation.
●Former Director of the Modern Pentathlon & Biathlon
Union of Japan.
●Former Chairman of the Kanto High School Riding
●Incumbent Chairman of the All-Japan Track Riders


1950年  全日本学生馬術選手権個人優勝
1955年  日本スポーツ賞受賞
1956年  全日本選手権グランプリ馬場馬術競技優勝
2001年度 馬場馬術世界ランキング82位
国民体育大会出場10回 優勝7回
全国馬術大会 優勝4回

Equestrian Career

1950 Winner of the All-Japan College Riding

1955 Awarded the Japan Sports Award.
1956 Winner of the All-Japan Grand Prix Track
Riding Championship Tournament.
2001 Ranked No.82 in the World Track Riding Rankings
−the fifth Japanese rider entered in the rankings.
●Participated in the National Athletic Meet ten times;
winning seven times.
●Four-times winner of the National Riding Meet.

広隆寺 弥勒菩薩


●財団法人 三木山人と馬とのふれあいの森協会
●財団法人 馬事文化財団・馬の博物館(根岸)
●前 財団法人 日本彫刻会会員

Sculpting Career

●Installed a horse sculpture in the JRA Equestrian

Park (Baji Koen); Setagaya, Tokyo.
●Installed a horse sculpture in the JRA Equine
Research Institute; Utsunomiya,
Tochigi Prefecture.
●Installed a horse sculpture in the JRA Racing
Museum; Fuchu, Tokyo.
●Installed a horse sculpture in the JRA Niigata Racecourse.
●Installed sixteen horse sculptures in the JRA Equestrian
Park (Baji Koen); Setagaya, Tokyo.
●Installed a horse sculpture in the JRA Horse Racing
School; Shiroi, Chiba Prefecture.
●Installed six horse sculptures (nine horses depited)
in the Association of Man & Horse Friendship Forest
in Mt. Miki; Miki City, Hyogo Prefecture.
●Installed a horse sculpture in the Equine Museum of
Japan, Equine Cultural Affairs Foundation of Japan;
Negishi, Kanagawa Prefecture.
●Installed a horse sculpture at the Sonoda Racecourse
of the Hyogo Prefecture Horse Racing Union.
●Commitioned to produces a bronze statue given to
annual winners of the All-Japan General Equestrian
●Presente a horse sculpture to the office of the
Speaker of the House of Councilors.
●Member of the Japan Sculptors Association.


●株式会社 日本設備工業新聞社発行 月刊誌「コア」

にエッセイ掲載中 (1990・5〜)
●JRA競走馬総合研究所発行 隔月誌「馬の科学」
にエッセイ掲載 (1996・6〜2000・12)
●エッセイ集 『馬耳東風−馬に憑かれて五十年』
『続 馬耳東風−自縄自縛』
●現 社団法人 日本ペンクラブ会員

Writing Career

●(May, 1990 - present) Contributing essayist to the

monthly magazine Core, published by the Japan
Facility Industry Newspaper.
●(June, 1996 - Deember, 2000) Contributing essayist
to the bimonthly magazine Horse Science, published
by the JRA Equine Research Institute.
●Essay Collections;
Baji Toufuu−A Fifty-Year Love of Horses
Baji Toufuu(sequel)−Estangled in My Own Net
Uma no Mimi ni Nenbutsu−Life of One Hundred
●Member of the