Stage information Stage05-09
This page is published information on Stage05-09 of the campaign of MACROSS VO and MACROSS VOXP.
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- Stage05 Blade leader
Point of successdestroy all enemy ships
Point of failuredestroyed your plane or MEGALOAD02
Obtained weaponMICRO MISSILE
- Stage06 Squadron leader
Point of successdestroy all enemy ships
Point of failuredestroyed your plane or MEGALOAD02
Obtained weaponIMPACT GUNPOD
- Stage07 Meltrandy
Point of successdestroy all enemy or destroyed Space station
Point of failuredestroyed your plane or MEGALOAD02
Divergencego to Stage09 when destroyed Space station
- Stage08 Strike mission
Point of successdestroy all enemy ships
Point of failuredestroyed your plane or MEGALOAD02
Obtained weaponCANNON
- Stage09 Nightmare
Point of successdestroy all enemy or destroyed your plane
Point of failuredestroyed MEGALOAD02
Obtained weaponW CANNON