3rd Original character CG by Usagi-no-Tokei was added on the page of "Other CG Corner". Hacua's Two New CG on The Corner of "Other CG Corner" New CG "Shiine-chan and Riiya in Public School" was uploaded on the corner of Shiine-chan. Sorry, much time's spent to draw the Thanks to 40000 count! anniversary CG (Usagi-no-Tokei version). A X'mas CG was uploaded on the corner of Shiine-chan. short script was also added.(^^; |
The Corner of ROKA (update: 97/06/02) |
The Corner of SHIINE-CHAN! (update: 98/02/27) [UPDATED] |
Terminology in Our Movement (SHOTA etc.) (update: 97/06/29) |
What's New (update: 98/07/05) |
Our Circle and Books (Japanese Only) (update: 98/02/23) |
CG Gallery (digitized arts) (update: 98/07/05) |
Hacua's Room (update sometime on another server) [Japanese Only] |
Usagi-no-Tokei's Room (Japanese only)(update: 98/02/21) |