キャンドルライト・グローバルヴィヒルと平和・反戦のための写真です。 PHOTOS OF THE GLOBAL VIGIL OF CANDLE LIGHTS 16 MAR. 03 |
3月16日7時から地球的規模でキャンドルライト・グローバルヴィヒルが開かれました。 MoveOnに登録された国内のヴィヒルが50カ所に上っています。そのほか にも無数のヴィヒルが開かれたことでしょう。以下に一人ヴィヒルを開いた 方からの写真やメールを掲載します。 なんとすばらしいことでしょう。 左は、大阪の友人Mの一人ヴィヒルです。 右は、ジャスミンの花かほる島岡の一人ヴィヒル。 |
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バイトが終った後、数人のバイト仲間とろうそく点灯集会(?)をやりました。うちのバイト先はケーキ・タルトの販売ということで、ろうそくがやまほどあるんです(^_^;)だからちょっと拝借しちゃいました☆集会と言っても、意見交換というか…たいしたコトはしてなかったりしますが(+_+)でも世界の人々が参加したこのイベントに少しでも参加できて私はうれしいです(もしや自己満?)。でも…このままでは戦争は始まってしまいそうな気がします(;_;)なんとか止める術はないのでしょうか…? |
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PHOTOS SENT FROM S FROM YOKOHAMA in TOKYO 21mar.'03 3月21日ワールド・ピース・ナウ主催の東京芝公園集会・デモの様子です。5万人が集まりました。原宿の路上生活者や山谷の住民も参加して、Sはたまたまその近くに参加したので、公安警察とこの人たちとの小競り合いがあり、ちょっと緊張したとのことです。 |
S氏によれば、参加者は、インターネットを見て駆けつけた人もおおく、手作りのボートをもって思い思いの思いを書きつけて参加していたとのことです。ぼくらの時代ではだいたいお仕着せのゼッケンをぶらさげていました。写真では見にくいのですが、ブッシュの額には「鬼」と記され、彼は指のピストルからミサイルを発射しています。 |
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小林あつ子さんからのメールです 2003年3月21日発信
(小林あつ子さんは、山梨県の小学校教員です。彼女の勤務校は児童約750名、保護者来賓約200名、教職員50名、計1,000名です。また娘さんが卒業した小学校の卒業式には、児童200名ちょっと、保護者来賓約80名、教職員約30名、計300名以上が出席していたとのこと) 学年末は忙しくてご無沙汰してしまいました。申し訳ありません。 昨日は、私の勤務校と娘の学校で卒業式がありました。
A mail from Atsuko KOBAYASHI 21st March '03 (She is a teacher of a primary school of YAMANASHI pre. jp. The school which she is in her service holds 750 pupils, the gurdians and staffs, totally 1,000. And a graduation ceremony which her daughter attended were atteded by 200 pupils and 30 gurdians and staffs, totally 300 attendants) The end of a school year is busy, and sorry, has neglected to write. The graduation ceremony occurred in my service school and a daughter's school on the same day, yesterday. At the moment when both graduation ceremonies finished, the attack to Iraq started at last. The Gulf War took place in 1990 when the children who graduate were born. This attack this time. What chance it is! I told the third daughter it was imppossible to attend her graduation ceremony because the ceremony in my service school also took place at the same time. "Why on the earth I will never have mommy attend my own ceremony?", the 3rd daughter was surprised at it. (the two elder sisters of hers had said, "There will probably be not everyone atteding, even if your mommy does not come"). Nonetheless as a result, I was absent from my service so that a daughter's graduation ceremony was attended by me. Although it had been natural that there should have been Kimigayo(National Anthem) and Hinomaru(National Flag) in the usual ceremony, in both of the schools it seemed a little different this year. The congratulatory address of the chairperson of the town assembly, in the ceremony of my daughter's school, started by "a war tends to start in the Middle East at any moment today." And the war commited by Japan for 15 years and the postwar democracy were referred to, and finally "the body and the heart are trained, please each of you, become peace and a democratic bearer" was his conclusion. The luncheon was held with the graduates, guardians(parents etc.), and the staffs of my daughter's school after the graduation ceremony. A principal said, "As the chairperson had said at the time of a graduation ceremony, the attack has started at last at 11:30. I want you to consider the importance of peace. And I want you to become the adult who can keep peace." My school office in my service was attended as late as around 3:00 PM. Every teacher was found to be working for the new year beginning in April. The offensive news was being reflected in the television therel, with teachers' caring about it. Because of my day-time sabotage(?), the close party of this year at night was attended firmly by me. Then, the situation of the graduation ceremony of a service school was heard. It was said that the teacher who was a conductor said, "Shall we wish peace and sing firmly?", and then began a chorus of a graduate. It was said that it became the chorus into which concentration went very well. The principal and all the members'had extolled it. In order to tell pupils peace, I was made to think this time that there were various methods, although I myself talked in the classroom just for a moment. |
幼友達からの懐かしいメールです |
sent from an old friend of mine |
戦争が始まってしまって、もう何日もたちます。何の為にこんなことやってるのか? 私には理解出来ません! 毎日がただ不安です。戦争参加の家族、巻き添えを食ってる人々達毎日どんな思いでいるのだろう?
フセイン、ブッシュ!、 皆大嫌い! 戦争は余りにも
失うものが多くて、得るもの無し早く解決方法が何処かに無いのかしら?平和世界を望みます。 とにかく力で押さえ込む事に反対です。 正義づらしてやがて咲く江戸彼岸桜。 戦争遺児S子ヨリ (父はサイパン島で玉砕されました) ![]() |
The war starts and many days have already been passing. For what sake is such a thing going? -- I cannot understand. Every day I am feeling merely uneasy. I am wondering how the family of the war participation are passing everyday and people involved too? Men who war! Although the women may also have participated. Barbarous men! Please clear our uneasiness as early as possible. Both parties in a quarrel are to blame! Hussein and Bush, I hate both! Is there not any solution method? What is lost by war is too much and what it obtains nothing.-- the ? The peace world is desired. I am opposite to holding down by power anyhow. The Edo early-flowering variety of cherry which acts the part of justice are going to bloom soon. Sincerely yours A war orphaned-child (Ms) S (My father died a honorable death in Saipan Island) |
「嘘つき女―英子(よんじゃ)」を観て―NS (女) 埼玉より |
About a play"A Liar Woman, A YONJA" by (Ms)NS from SAITAMA Pref. jp |
お久しぶりです。NSです。 |
Dear all, I enjoyed The play "A Liar Woman , a YONJA" at the SANBYAKUNIN Theater in Sengoku TOKYO jp yesterday. It is an enterprise of a support for international art exchange by the Agency for Cultural Affairs jp in collaboration of a play ERUMU team with NAITE performing-arts plan company of South Korea. South Korean players perform with production and direction by FUJITA ASAYA in Korean, while Japanese translation projects it on the both sides of the stage.Let me introduce the outline.(See the performance flier) A man visits an old female YONJA's in the back-street district of SOUL..The visit of a man reminded her of the past to forget. The past that she was deceived and taken toJapan at her age of 14. But, a word leaked to the Japanese
journalist by herself changes her fate again. Although it was not the stage which has
argued anti-war thought itself strongly, what the makers are actually thinking
about has been transmitted to me rather than otherwise.It was impressive that the sketchbook
written "NO WAR" on the knee
which the woman (probably from South Korea) who was sitting next to me kept being grasped tightly. |
NO WAR ON IRAQ! STOP有事法制 2003年4月2日 明治公園にて S氏より |
NO WAR ON IRAQ! MEETING@MIEJI Park TOKYO 2nd Apr. '03 sent from S in YOKOHAMA |
呼びかけ人は、海老名香葉子、大谷昭宏、木下順二、小林カツ代、酒井広(司会)、中山千夏、三木睦子、山崎朋子など24氏。 this meeting was called by an apeal of 24 famous persons of essayist, journalists, darma author, cook, ex-announcer, authors and so on. |
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氷雨の中を、1万5千人が集まったそうです。 reportedelly though cold rainy night, 15 thousands of people gathered there. |
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個人参加の人は本部席から、ろうそくとカップをもらえたそうです。それに灯を灯して手に手に持ってパレードを行なったそうです。 reportedly, personal voluntary joiner was delivered a candle and a paper cap with a logo. and all of demontrators were marching along streets carrying the candle burned with them. |
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