寂聴さん支援 戦争はあかん スポーツ指導員 岩佐興輝 (大阪府岸和田市61歳


峻烈とはこんな思いでしょうか。4日、「反対イラク武力攻撃瀬戸内寂聴」 という本紙4段の意見広告が目に飛び込んできました。湾岸戦争の時の 寂聴さんの断食も、高齢の師がここまでやられるのか」と、私は宗教者の 戦争(殺人)に対する厳しい姿勢に身をただす思いでした。 小泉総理、あなたは戦争の悲惨さを知っていますか、学びましたか。 昨年夏、私は「ピース大阪」の核兵器の写真展を見に行き、あの湾岸戦争で、 米国が使用した劣化ウうン弾で、臼血病を病む少年の写真を見ました。 経済封鎖により薬もなく、脱毛し、やせこけた体で横たわる少年の上に、再 びミサイルが飛ぶのは、到底許されません。 湾岸戦争の頃、私は入院暮らしでしたが、1人の患者の命を救うために、昼夜 わかたず身を粉にして働いている医師や看護師を見るにつけ、1発のミサイルで 多数の人を殺薮する戦争に、いたたまれない思いがしました。 寂聴さんの叫びに応えなあかん。黙っていたら戦争を認めたことになると思い ます。私は署名をし、集会にも行き、新聞への投稿や川柳でも戦争反対を訴えて いきます。

from "Voice" of ASHAHI SHIMBUN newspaper (16 Mar. '03)

"NO WAR !"written by Okiteru IWASA, sports trainer in Osaka

Is rigorousness such a thought? On 4th Mar. "oppose to the military power attack against Iraq by Jakucho Setouchi (Buddhist nun and famous author)." The opinion advertising of four steps of our newspaper ASAHI SHIMBUN has jumped into my eyes. At the time of the Gulf War, I shaped up to feel about whether the religion person of advanced age should be damaged so far by her fast". Here was found to be such a severe posture over war (homicide). Prime Minister Koizumi, do you know the misery of war? Did you learn it? I went to see the photo exhibition of the nuclear weapon of "Peace Osaka", and looked at the photograph of the boy who gets leukmia caused by the degradation uranium cartridge which the U.S. used during that Gulf War, in summer last year. It is on the boy who medicine has not been offered as a result of the economic blockade, either, has his hari removed, and lies with the emaciated body that a lot of missiles would fly again. It should not be allowed at all. I was hospitalized at the time of the Gulf War. Then and there I saw the doctors and nurses working day and night devotedly in order to save only one patient's life. On the other hand, even a missile slaughtered a lot of people. That thought made me unable to stay further. We must respond to Jakucho's shout. I think that it means accepting war, if we still are silent. I will sign, go to gather and sue my opinion opposite to the war, and contribute a paper or Senryu (the shortest satirical and humorousl poem in jp) to a newspaper.