Introduction 紹介

  本隊ウォーカー紹介 Introduction of Main Walker
    オランダ 日本の皆さんとの交流を楽しみにしています
Lo Liebregts (LoLie ローリー)
商館長 Captain カピタン
オランダ The Netherlands
  国際ウォーカー IML, 東海道中山道ウォーク(2006年)
Hans van Wuijckhuise (Hans ハンス)
書記 First Secretary 上級商務員
オランダ The Netherlands
  国際ウォーカー IML, 東海道中山道ウォーク(2006年)
Jacques Liska (Jack ジャック)
書記 First Secretary 上級商務員
オランダ The Netherlands
  国際ウォーカー IML, 富士登山
    日本 私たちがオランダの三人を案内します
片山 清 Kuma Tetsu (Bear Tetsu くま哲)
カタヤマ キヨシ
通詞(通訳) Interpreter オランダ語は不得意な通訳
日本 Japan
国際親善ウォーカー JML, IML, 東海道、中山道、甲州街道
北山 雅治 Masaji (Masaji von Siebold 雅爺)
キタヤマ マサハル
医師、宰領 Doctor, Tour Organizer 医師(ジーボルト)、主催者
日本 Japan 出身:オランダの遥か山奥
国際親善ウォーカー JML, IML, 東海道、熊野古道、奥の細道 <歩楽達人>
田村 良平 Ryohei (Ryohei 良平)
タムラ リョウヘイ
通詞(通訳) Interpreter 神出鬼没の通訳
日本 Japan
国際親善ウォーカー JML, IML, 東海道
メッセージ Message "日本の皆さんへ"
Lo Liebregts (LoLie)
My name is Lo Liebregts. In Asia they call me Lolie.
I am born in Eindhoven, The Netherlands in 1949. As a young man I started working in the Royal Netherlands Navy. I was married and have two daughters. When my marriage was finished, I started walking for my hobby.
Specially International walks had my interest because I also like travelling. I did walks in different European countries, USA and Canada, New Zealand and Australia, South-Korea, Taiwan and Japan. In Japan my walking friend Hans and I walked several times the Japan 3 day march, and also the Kyu Tokaido (2x) and the Nakasendo as well as the Kawaguchiko red leaves march. And I went to the summit of the Fuji-san too, starting from Fujiyoshida.
Several years I walked in the Navy uniform, since I am retired I walk in civilian.Now I am looking forward to the Big Walk 2009, called in Dutch: De hofreis.
Hans van Wuijckhuise (Hans)
Konnichi-wa !
My name is Hans van Wuijckhuise. In 1952 I was born in Nijmegen, with a history of over 2000 years the oldest city of the Netherlands. After studying at Delft Technological University (first Aerospace Technology and then Materials Sience), I joined the Royal Netherlands Navy as a civil servant and I have still several years to go before I retire. During my studies in the 70's I have participated in many rowing races and in the 80's I was running track and field. In the early 90's I walked long tours in the European Alps like the "Haute Route" and the climb of Mont Blanc (4807 m) as the ultimate summit. I still love ascending mountains like in the recent years Fuji-san (Japan), Syue-shan (Taiwan) and Tongariro (New Zealand). The principal reason for my first entry in the Nijmegen 4-days marches was regaining strength after a bicycle accident.
In Europe I walk a lot with a group of collegue's but after meeting LoLie in the year 2000 the whole world was at my feet. Together we walked famous routes like Kyu Tokaido and Nakasendo but also the Queen Charlotte Track in New Zealand; the next highlight will be the Edo-sanpu of 2009.
See you in Japan !
Jacques Liska (Jack)
Hallo, my name is Jacques Liska, but just call me Jack.
Born in Maastricht in the Netherlands 1952, I joined the Royal Netherlands Air Force in 1972 and retired in 2004. I’m married and have 2 grown-up sons and 4 grandchildren.
I started walking in my early childhood days in local walks but started walking on international walks like the IML walks in 1997, became European Walker in Brno in 2000 and International Master Walker in 2002 in Higashimatsuyama, Japan.
In 2005 I was lucky to climb Fuji-san all the way to the summit on the Fujiyoshida-trail with Lolie and Hans.
Next big steps in my life: the Big Walk 2009, de Hofreis or Edo sanpu.

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