Things for which I could not find answers. If you know, would you please tell me?

■ I'M NOT IN LOVE / 10cc

I could not figure out the real meaning of this song. Is this man just a jerk? Or do they have affairs behind his wife? (maybe not, 'cuz he says he wants to keep her picture on the wall hiding a stain there.) Or is that a bluff, 'cuz actually she has dumped him?

10cc のこの歌の本当の意味がわかりません。女をバカにしている、イヤな男の歌? それとも、このふたりは不倫でもしてる?(違うだろうなぁ。だって、おうちの壁のシミ隠しに彼女の写真貼ってる、って言ってるし)。それとも。これ、って彼の強がり?彼女にフられて『平気だも〜ん』っていう・・?