Direct Satellite LAN and its Applications


Osamu Ichiyoshi  


1. System Configuration



















System Configuration of Direct Satellite LAN


2. Features

(1)   IPSTAR can readily give DSLAN by its fully bi-directional user stations networks.   .

(2)   The DSLAN servers set at the Hub Station can provide the users with such new applications;

-Broadband access to the Internet for users in remote areas,

-Nationwide Internet broadcasting or Multicasting

-Teleconferences;                            nationwide and universal participation

-Contents Delivery Network;          a large quantity of contents to a great many users,

-Distance learning                           for a great many people distributed nationwide,

and many other Group or Public types of communications.

(3)   Existing DSB systems can be integrated with the DSLAN by adding the DSB link at the Hub Station for the forward link and setting the return links from the User Station through some terrestrial networks.

(4)   The DSLAN can provide a universal communication service for the users located anywhere under the coverage areas of the satellites. With Ka/Ku bands satellites systems the broadband communications services can be effectively extended to the users in the remote islands, deserts or mountainous regions where terrestrial services are very limited or totally unavailable.