
Human Network for Better 21 Century

(For English, please click here)


相互リンク集  Links.htm




四方面会(2024/4/13)   Shihomenkai.pdf

山田町の歌(2023/5/6)  Songs of Yamada Cho.htm


2023/10/22  Miyakonojo kai 2023.pdf


HPの趣旨(in Japanese)








gakumon no susume.htm or gakumon no susume.pdf

                                                 市吉 修

                                                 平成18(2006) 331

 e-mail(click)  ;  ofsuarmu@gmail.com



日本新生とはガクモンなり(2023/4/21) Learning is key for Japan rebirth.htm     or 

Learning is key for Japan rebirth.pdf

  情報網犯罪の克服と人知の発展 ( 2024/6/30) Information Age Stupidity.pdf


Stop War in Ukraine!

(2022/3/2) Ghosts from 20th, Ideals for 21st centuries-English.htm

Help Ukraine with more Air Defense Systems so they can hit Russian fighters, bombers and missiles down until Russia exhausts her means.

Unexhausted supply of land-to-air, anti-tank missiles will help Ukraine win the war unilaterally imposed on them by a crazy regime.

Supply Ukraine with food & medicine and industrial means so they can live, fight and push the invaders away.

Accept and support the refugees so their beloved ones at home can work with peace in mind.


For the lasting peace in Israel and Palestine.htm  (Year 2009)

Israeli-Palestine problem ; Disgrace left over from imerialism.htm  ( 24, July, 2014)

Jerusalem is Ours (2017/12/16) Jerusalem is ours.html

Learn from the Old and New Testament (2018/1/7)

What to learn from the Old and New Testament.html

Hamas grown by Israeli policy (2023/10/23) Hamas Grew by Israeli Policy.htm

United Israeli and Palestine (2023/10/31) United Israel and Palestine.pdf

パレスチナの恒久的平和への道 (2023/11/25)

A Certain Path to Permanent Peace in Israel and Palestine.pdf

民主主義こそ鍵、日本、イスラエル、パレスチナの場合 (2023/12/17)

Democracy basics, Cases of Japan, Israel and Palestine.htm

イスラエルは民主国家か (2024/1/2) Is Israel a Democracy.htm

宗教と科学、国家宗教の害 (2024//13) Religion and Science.htm

国家宗教の悪(2024/1/30) Evil Nature of State Religions.pdf

自然宗教で未来へ前進(2024/2/23) Natural Religion.pdf

キリスト教と自然宗教(2024/3/10) Christianity and Natural religion.pdf

イスラエルとナチス (2024/4/14) Israel and Nazism.htm

イスラエル、ナチスでないと証明せよ (2024/05/28) Israel, Prove You are not NAZI -2.htm

ユダヤ教と日本教 (2024/7/14) Judaism and Japanism.pdf


苦悩する人へ、 道は開ける   

    悩める人への助言 (2021/7/25) Words for the Depressed.htm

    子育て (2021/8/13) On Raising Children.htm

問題と取り組み、楽しく生きよう  (2020/11/15) 

Problems to be Overcome for Future Enjoyment.htm



   幼児虐待問題に思う(2018/6/11)   On problem of infants afflictin.html


Community Parents for Children Lifetime industry for Population Decrease.htm   


 Revive Community to Prevent Violence on Children.htm

   地域親になろう(2021/10/1)   Community Parents.htm

             (2021/10/3) Let us be community Parents.htm


(2022/2/20)   Let us make a society good for raising children.htm

         (2023/10/3)  Prevent hurting children.htm



少子化の原因と対策(2023/3/20) On Decrease of Children.htm


Solution of population problems-Conditions of human safety.htm


日本の課題 On Olympics, Pandemic and Tasks for Japan.htm

   選挙に行こう (2021/10/24) Election is Basis of Democracy.htm


 On Eletion and Marriage of Princess Mako.htm



  安保・福田理論に基づく健康法の要点 (2017/3/12)

Points of Healthy Life based on Abo-Fukuda Theory V1.htm

       (2017/7/26)   Brief Points of Healthy Life based on Abo-Fukuda Theory V1.pdf 

  健康長寿 ;  治すより生きよ (2020/91)

 Live rather than Cure for Long Healthy Life.htm

       新型コロナ対策(2024/1/2 combined)   

 Countermeasures for New Corona Virus.htm

        人と世の健康の鍵 (2021/3/7)

 Key of Human and Social Health is in Mutual Circulation.htm

        生活習慣病の予防 (2021/4/11) Prevent unhealthy lifestyles.htm

   健康生活   (2021/12/5)  A healthy lyfestyle.htm

           (2022/10/10) Memo Healthy Lifestyles.htm

           (2022/10/17) Healthy life Minds.htm

                          (2022/12/6) Healthy life Telomere effects.htm

          80歳還暦100歳現役(2023/6/26) 80years Middle 100years Working Ages.htm


世界平和への確かな道   Certain Paths for World Peace

             Certain Paths for World Peace.htm


呼びかけ          What I believe and want to discuss;.htm



      New Year Greetings.htm


通信 Letters from Osamu;

       注 ()が付いたものは書き継ぎがありますので時々ご覧下さい。

    Letters from Osamu.htm


新たな通信                 More letters.html

    202312月以降 More letters Dec 2023--.htm




Self Study Society and Library       SelfStudySociety.html


C&C基礎技術講座     C&CBasicTechnology.htm


通信網設計講座  Communication Network Design Course



 Some Useful Inventions and Khowhows.htm


市吉修詩集 (2022/11/19 uploaded)  

OsI Poems 1970-2000.htm

         OsI Poems 2000-2014.htm



Study Group for Industrial 21 Century   Industrial21C.htm



  Study Group for the 21 Century Industries 21CEnterprizes.htm

  Association of Entrepreneurs Union 

AEU subgroup; Let's Enjoy Working Life.htm

  事業人連携網  Workers Joint Efforts Network.htm

  悪循環から好循環へ(2022/10/26) ChangeFromWorseToBetterCycles.pdf 


新事業提案 New Business Systems Proposed

            New Business System Proposed.htm


<> 二十一世紀世界、理想の探求と実現 Search of Ideal 21C World and its Realization.htm


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