Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Oct 2002 Otsu JAPAN
I hope to add new task force in United Nations.
Recognition of Unknown Disabilities
High Order functional brain disease were not recognized in Japan.A patient
cannot keep hismemory. Always say "why do I stand here,now?"
But His disability cannot recognized in Japan.But do you think he can work?
The worst case is misdiagnosed uncommon personality as psychoses and misinterpretation of paradox reaction due to antipsychotics as psychotic symptom,leading onset of encephalopathy.
I have researched Drug induced Brain disease.
When gave Antipsychotic to schizophrenia patients,side effect is a few.But gave to normal brain,irreversible brain disease happen.
Such patients live and dead in Mental Hospital.
Society import plain disabilities and ignore incomprehensible disabilities.This bias and inequality must correct. This difficult effort need for the saving handicapper system became to complete.
Satoshi HAYAMA (Mr.)
Medical Malpractice Information Center
The Citizen's Group to Establish the Law of Patients' Right in Japan