2018.12.16. 11:42

Sunday cloudy sky, 0 wind, thirmometer 4 degrees C, relativehumidity 62%, atmosphere 1026 hp
I could not write things in November by my idleness. I had events as the under parts in November.

1. November 17 Saturday at about noon. my son's family visited us. my grand child was active.
She could crawl well and play with her self pleasurably and eat well. and then she spoke words, "Nai, Nai----".
I thought she was growing steadily. I was very happy.

2. I read a book, "Jitsurei de manabu Raspberry Pi den shi kousaku" written by Takashi Kanamaru, published by Koudansha.
3. I restudied differential equations by solvings easy problems.
4. I thought about making a 1 pole mortar.