2018.12.25. 11:48

Tuesday clear sky, SE1 wind, thirmometer 8 degrees C, relativehumidity 42%, atmosphere 1023 hp
I arranged my new year cards of my acquaintances to stop posting from next year. I was sorrowfull
just as I had been looking at my own funeral. but I thought that it was my work to do at my last life.

My 10 news of this year.
1. My one of nieces married in Gunma prefecture on March.
2. My wife worked out the leader working of our town.
3. My another of nieces married in Niigata prefecture on October.
4. My grand child became 1 year old.
5. I painted a land scape nearby field and put it in the picture case I made.
6. I made clay masks of something nature Gods, "EBISU, DAIKOKU".
7. I arranged my pc. corner with using the hand made book shelf.
8. I made a cooling system for my old pc.
9. I made something water supplying tools for plants in my garden.
10. I studied 1 pole mortars with refering to a web site and made a 1 pole mortar.