2017.05.31. 16:26

Wednesday cloudy weather SE1 wind, thirmometer 30 degrees C, relativehumidity 51%, atmosphere 1005 hp
Yesterday morning, my third son came back to home safely. I felt very easy. as there were a lot of accidents
and incidents in the world, I was very anxious for him to be involved by them. his arround the world travel
was achieved by only himself and with his own finance. so, I only kept waiting his e-mail and kept praying
for his safety in his traveling. he looked to view lots of beautiful landscapes at the seeing sights in the world
and see many peolpe who were rich and poor in the world. especially, he was affected by the lives of undeveloped coutries.
I thought that he could make his happiness to use this experience in the future.
and then through this month, I did the next things.

1. I made mini KOI NO BORI with paper and set them at a planter in my garden for praying the safety birth of my grand child.
2. I bought a set of festival costume for TORIGOE MATSURI helpped by my first son.
3. I combined fences for mini tomato, cucumber and mornig glory.
4. I dried dandelions and cut to pieces and roastered to a bottle of tea.
5. I made a little sttepping box.