EP Radix-3D™ Competition ARF!

UFLA1109  ラディックス 3D ARF 税込価格¥12.600 (税別¥12.000)(ウルトラフライ :B/06/12ブラシレスモーター付)
(別途必要品 パワーユニット ウルトラフライ :ESC アテナ18Aアンプ又は、APOLLO12Aアンプ :3.5ゴールドコネクター他)

More fun flying, less time fixing!

Low wing loading and a flying weight of only 8 ounces allows the Radix 3D to virtually float through aerobatics at walking speeds.
It can be flown inside a large building, or outdoors in a backyard,
park or sports field.

The wing and fuselage are made of Depron material that’s 1.3mm thick which bends more and resists breaking much better than
the thicker Depron used in other foam flyers.

Includes a spine down the center of the fuselage for added durability.

Printed trim scheme on fuselage, wings and wing struts reduces flying weight.

Available with or without an Ultrafly B-Series brushless motor.

UFLA1109 ラディックス 3D ARF (ウルトラフライB/06/12ブラシレスモーター付)

翼 長:
28.3 in (720 mm)
313 sq in (20.2 dm2)
8 oz (230 g)
30 in (760 mm)


9X4.7" APC Slo-Flyer プロペラ・2S(7.4v)リポバッテリーパック・各リポ専用充電器を御使用下さい。

High-quality carbon fiber parts add rigidity while
keeping overall weight to a minimum.
You can equip your Radix-3D with your choice of brushless motor. But for the best deal, opt for the Radix-3D that includes a powerful Ultrafly B/06 Series brushless motor!

日本語説明スペック PDFファイル


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