Nanao Fireball

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At Jan.20, 2022, 14h24m52s UT(=Jan. 20, 23h24m52s LT), A bright fireball appeared from Toyama prefecture to the Noto peninsula.
SonotaCo(Tokyo pref.) and Yasunori Fujiwara(Osaka pref.) observed this fireball by automatic TV meteor camera.
M.Ueda calculated the trajectory and orbit by their observations.
Detail data was published in "SonotaCo Network" articles.(in Japanese)
The initial geocentric velocity was 14.3km and the end velocity was about 7.5km/s at 29.8km altitudes.
Both images are shown fragmentations near the end and peeled off some small pieces behind.

The estimated impact area was include mountain region of north of Nanao city, Ishikawa prefecture.
Japanese winter season fast westerlies pressed the falling meteorite to the east about 8km.
The estimated meteorite mass is about 50 -300g.
Fragmented small meteorites might fall near the sea.

Predicted impact area
North of Nanao city, Ishikawa prefecture

Red spots are calculated impact points for each initial value.
Spot size indicates meteorite size.
(Added on "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" map.)

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