July 13, 2002 Nikon D100
Taken by RAW mode
Kohmyohji temple Tsukui
Kanagawa pref.
One of the most beautiful temple in my neighborhood. You
should recognize a wide range of D100's exposure dynamic
July 13, 2002 Nikon D100
Taken by RAW mode
Precinct of Kohmyohji temple
Aug. 2001 Kodak DC-4800
A gate way of Iyaki Jinja
shrine Aomori pref.
This shrine is in Mt. Iwaki. All buildings and structures
of this shrine are painted red color. |
Aug. 2001 Kodak DC-4800
A gate building of Iyaki
Jinja shrine |
Aug. 2001 Kodak DC-4800
Precinct of Iyaki Jinja
shrine |
Sept. 2000 KonicaBig Mini
Kodak Gold 400
Outlet mall in the suburbs
of Tokyo
Pierrot performed, but there were a few galleries.
Aug. 2000 PETAX MZ-10
Kodak Gold 400
Cape Kamiwari-saki Miyagi
In the evening, whole objects were mono tone. |
July 1999 KonicaBig Mini
Kodak Gold 400
Castle Shuri-joh Okinawa
The symbol of Ryukyu Dynasty.
The old castle was complately destroyed during the world
war two.This castle was rebuilt in 1992. |
October 2001 PENTAX MZ-10
Kodak Negative film
MAX 400
Nagano Olympic large hill
ski jamp srart point.. |
Dec. 2001
Kodak DC-4800 with Tele-conversion lens |
Red Mt.Fuji in the early
They say people who see the red Fuji will have good luck,
and so will you. |
May 2000
Kodak DC-280Z |
A waiting room of a Japanese
Hachiohji Tokyo |
April 2000 Kodak DC-280Z
Old farmer's house at an
entrance of a flower garden.
Shiroyama Kanagaawa |
May 2000 Kodak DC-280Z
Carp-shaped streamers so-called
Koinobori to celebrate Children's Day May 5.
A thausand of streamers were hung from wires over the
river in line.
Takadabashi Kanagawa |
May 2000 Kodak DC-280Z
Old fashioned postman for
sightseeing. He is delivering mails in a town.
Kiso Kamitsuma-juku Nagano pref. |
May 2000 Kodak DC-280Z
Japanese group of
traditional street performers with bright-colored clothes
and makeup.
Machida-shi Tokyo |
April 2001 PENTAX MZ-10
Kodak Negative film
Kiso Narai-Juku Nagano Pref.
Old and traditional town is remained. Many people visit
there for sight seeing |
April 2002 Kodak DC-4800
Minobusan Kuenji temple
One of the major Buddist temple in Japan
Yamanashi pref. |
April 2002 Kodak DC-4800
Small temple near Kuenji |
June 1999 PENTAX MZ-10
Kodak negative film
MItumine-jinja Shinto shrine
This shrine is in the deep in the mountain.
Chichibu.Saitama pref. |